Manny Mua Brother Nick Gutierrez Is A Fitness Model

Manny Mua brother Nick Gutierrez is a fitness model. Nick Instagram handle shows him hitting the gym often.

Manny grew up in a Mormon family and has struggled to reach where he is today. His family did not understand his love for make-up and came to terms with his identity in the beginning.

He was scared to make his family unhappy, so he even prayed to make his attraction toward boys disappear. He was a perfect child but thought it was his only flaw. However, with time the family came to learn about the community and accepted him as he is today.

He is now inspiring people through his make-up. He wants males who are interested in make-up to continue doing it despite the negativity.

There are already people who he inspires. In one of the episodes of Kelly Clarkson's show, he met a 13-year-old who he inspired to come out.

While there are many fans of YouTubers around the world, there are people in the family who is his biggest fans and supporter. It includes his younger brothers, mom, and dad. 

Manny Mua Brother Nick Gutierrez Is A Fitness Model

Manny Mua has a brother named Nick Gutierrez. He is a fitness model, which can be seen from the pictures on his Instagram handle. 

In 2018, he appeared in a YouTube video with his brother where the influencer mentioned that they live together. Nick did make-up on his brother in that video.

He appeared on his brother's video several times, where he would sometime buy make-up or get a makeover or remove make-up. 

Looking at the videos, the brothers seem to share a strong bond with each other. YouTube also wishes birthdays to his brother every year. 

In 2019, he shared an image of their childhood and wished him a birthday. He also asked others to send wishes to his little brother in the caption

He is also a business owner and runs a company named Asylum Vi and LDS. His highlights on Instagram consist of the launch party of Asylum Vi. It is a company that sells different types of clothing. 

While he has his fans now, he is mostly known as the brother of Manny. Many people have come to know about him since then, and now he has massive 115k followers. 

Manny Mua Parents Are Manny and Greka

Manny Mua parents are Manny and Greka. He shares the same name as his father, so his father is Manny Sr., whereas the YouTuber is Junior. 

The make-up artist has often shared his stories of coming out, and his love for make-up is also related to his mom and dad. 

During The Kelly Clarkson show, he shared that his mother is the inspiration behind his love for make-up. He used to see her get ready and transform her look every morning when growing up. 

He used to notice those things and found them interesting, and eventually fell in love with them. 

But these things were difficult for his dad to accept, who grew up in a Latino household, and there was never a discussion about LGBTQ or boys doing make-up.

Manny and his father's relationship had become estranged when he came out as a homosexual. Manny Sr. had struggled to accept his identity and his love for make-up. 

He also admitted that he struggled with it since he grew up not wanting to upset anyone in the family. But eventually, his father found his Instagram page where he used to practice drag make-up. 

That was the time when both of them confronted each other about their differences. But, after a lot of struggle and years of therapy, the father-son duo has a great relationship. 

The influencer once said on Twitter that his dad works for him and is proud of him. They work together in Manny's company, Lunar beauty which is a family business. 

In a YouTube video, he and his dad shared about when he first came out. There, his dad mentioned that he is proud of his son, who does not only make videos but can also show emotions and express them. 

He added that he never knew that his son was emotional because he had seen him cry only a handful of times. He also suggested other parents with LGBTQ kids get therapy if they struggle to accept their identity. 

On the other hand, the Youtuber said it goes two ways, and the kids need to understand that it takes time for their parents to accept them.

His mom has been his biggest protector. She even had an argument with her husband when he could not accept their son's identity. She told him that if he was not going to find a way to accept his son, he might lose him forever. 

He had posted a video of him doing a makeover for her. Since she is a beauty icon and someone who inspired him to be in the industry, he performed a fabulous transformation for her in the clip

Manny Has Another Sibling Named Aaron

Manny Mua has another sibling named Aaron. He lives in San Diego and once appeared in his elder brother's YouTube videos where the make-up artist did a makeover for him. 

Towards the end, he said that it would be the first and last time, and since then, he has not appeared in the videos either. 

In the video, Manny mentioned that he paid his brother to make an appearance. He often stays in San Diego but was with his brother during the covid pandemic.

He is 23 years old now. He shared on the video that he likes the mountains, fishing, and working with bikes during his leisure time. 

He seems to have a different personality than his brothers since he remains away from the limelight and the public eye. Nevertheless, there is immense love and understanding between the brothers. 

Fans often comment on Manny's videos, talking about how great their family is and his connection with them. He has introduced his family members to his fans through the videos, and they sometimes make an appearance in his YouTube content. 
